Further Research

There’s a lot of information online regarding IBS, much of which is anecdotal and poorly evidenced. It’s important when dedicating time and effort to improving your symptoms that you’re addressing the most likely causes and taking a logical approach to rule out the common culprits first. Not least because it harms your health to undertake needlessly restrictive diets, which often result in further intolerances and symptoms.

All of our recommendations are unpinned by latest research in the field of IBS, much of which is likely to be incorporated into NHS guidelines in the future, as current recommendations leave many people still suffering. We’ve found our protocol in the IBS clinic takes out the guesswork and provides useful data to indicate the specific cause of the issue. Allowing a targeted and more effective response, and freedom to eat the foods you enjoy with more certainty.

Fructan, Rather Than Gluten, Induces Symptoms in Patients With IBS

Many people find an improvement in their IBS symptoms when eating gluten free foods, however it is usually the fructan element (a carbohydrate) of wheat products as opposed to the gluten (a protein) which is causing the issue, as demonstrated by this clinical trial which found that when tested separately only fructans had a negative impact on symptoms:

Read Full Study: Fructan, Rather Than Gluten, Induces Symptoms in Patients With Self-Reported Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity - ScienceDirect

Fructose and fructan malabsorption common in patients with irritable bowel syndrome

The majority of people who suffer IBS are shown to have fructose and/or fructan intolerance when breath-tested in our clinic, a finding supported by wider research. Frutans are large chains of fructose molecules hence the link, though some people can tolerate one and not the other. It’s important to discern your type of intolerance so that you don’t needlessly cut out more foods than necessary. Devices such as FoodMarble allow you test this easily at home in order to identify your specific intolerance.

Read Full Study: Fructose malabsorption and fructan malabsorption are associated in patients with irritable bowel syndrome | BMC Gastroenterology (springer.com)

Administering fructans to IBS patients increases both physical and psychological symptoms

It’s well known that IBS can affect your mental health in addition to the uncomfortable physical symptoms. Both measures were impacted negatively in this trial where patients reported symptoms after an infusion of a frutan solution into the gut.

Read Full Study: Effect of intragastric FODMAP infusion on upper gastrointestinal motility, gastrointestinal, and psychological symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome vs healthy controls - Masuy - 2018 - Neurogastroenterology & Motility - Wiley Online Library

Fructans shown to be the most common trigger of IBS symptoms when reintroduced after low FODMAP diet

Around 80% of IBS sufferers respond positively to a low FODMAP diet, however cutting out all FODMAPs permanently is highly restrictive and often leads to deficiencies and reduced quality of life. It can be hard to pinpoint the specific FODMAP causing the issue, however for the majority the main problem is caused by fructans and so dietary adjustments can be more specific and less restrictive for those to whom this applies. Breath testing can pinpoint the culprit and enzymes to break down the offending carb such as FODzyme can allow you to eat the foods you enjoy again.

Read Full Study: Efficacy and Findings of a Blinded Randomized Reintroduction Phase for the Low FODMAP Diet in Irritable Bowel Syndrome - ScienceDirect